Indigenous Abundance Accelerator

The Indigenous Abundance Accelerator (IAA) is a four-month intensive for Indigenous-led organizations activating philanthropy. This is an opportunity for Indigenous philanthropic entities, pooled funds, and Indigenous foundations to connect for shared learning. 

The Circle’s IAA program will cultivate a Community of Practice of Indigenous organizations to collaborate, share insights, support and learn alongside one another:

  • bring people together to build connection and share vision
  • amplify the existing networks good work led by Indigenous peoples 
  • explore what Indigenous peoples mean when we say “philanthropy”
  • host space for dialogue, wisdom, and inspiring examples of Indigenous values and worldviews being embedded into governance, operations, granting, and investment strategies. 
  • share learning and resources to support wellness and transformation in the settler philanthropic sector

Is IAA For You?

IAA is a four-month intensive for Indigenous-led organizations activating philanthropy.  Any Indigenous person who works within and contributes to the philanthropic landscape through grant-making, as an advisor, or program officer at an Indigenous-led organization can apply to participate in IAA.

Program Cost

IAA is included in The Circle’s membership. Unsure of your membership status? You can check here.

Travel costs and accommodations for in-person gatherings must be covered by participants. 

There are limited financial resources to enable partial cost coverage upon request and application.

Curriculum Topics

  • Healing Justice practices and policies
  • Connecting Indigenous laws and UNDRIP to philanthropy
  • Allyship: Teaching Sovereignty, Equity, Accessibility, Inclusion (Black, Accessibility, 2SLGBTQS+)
  • Tax law and understanding non-qualified donees
  • Evaluation and learning
  • Mapping Settler Philanthropy
  • Emerging social impact trends
  • Investment screening and shareholder advocacy

Other Offerings

View our upcoming events and offerings here.
Events Rectangle PiR
Partners in Reciprocity
Partners in Reciprocity (PiR) was built out of Indigenous feedback about the skill sets and
Event Healing Justice
Healing Justice test
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