Governing Circle Recruitment

The Circle on Philanthropy is in an annual season of transition and growth.

We are recruiting up to 5 new directors to join our Governing Circle. 

Given the current composition of our Governing Circle and The Circle’s commitment to being an Indigenous-led organization, we have an opportunity to recruit 4 Indigenous members and 1 non-Indigenous member. The positions available are: 3 three-year terms, 1 two-year term, and 1 one year-term. From amongst these candidates, we are seeking an individual who can serve as the Indigenous co-chair. As a member of our executive, this position has additional responsibilities and requires an increased time commitment. 

We invite you to help activate the moccasin telegraph, the grapevine or the listserve you love to amplify this call for submissions of interest with your communities, networks and colleagues, or perhaps consider it for yourselves. 

The Circle on Philanthropy (The Circle) works alongside our members to transform the philanthropic sector to redistribute wealth, activate wisdom and strengthen organizational infrastructure for the purpose of Indigenous peoples, communities and nations. We do this by bringing our presence, participation, hosting and wisdom creation to our shared labour for change. 

Principles of our work: 

  • ABUNDANCE enables us to be bold, invite possibility, see and orient to what is life giving
  • RECIPROCITY deepens connections for shared work and enables storytelling for shared purpose
  • ACCOUNTABILITY oriented toward Indigenous wisdoms, worldviews and laws allow us to move toward decolonized approaches in relationship with members, partners and one another to transform the sector
  • CURIOSITY invites us to learn by doing, to ask generative questions and to trust the wisdom of our community to make us all wiser

Our work happens best on a foundation of shared power and relationship to place.​

With continued organizational growth anticipated in the seasons ahead, we require a diversity of skill sets and experience to support and guide new directions and big opportunities. 

Specifically, The Circle is seeking the gift of time and knowledge from Indigenous and non-Indigenous candidates who have skill sets, networks and experience in one or more of the following areas:​​

  • Indigenous trusts, trustee education and management
  • International Indigenous philanthropic engagement
  • Indigenous-focused charitable or non qualified donee organizations
  • Board experience with other member networks and philanthropic organizations
  • Movement building, public policy advocacy and development, research and knowledge mobilization 
  • Meaningful engagement with the French-speaking philanthropic sector

Given the current composition of our Governing Circle and our commitment to inviting diverse wisdom and geographic representation, we will prioritize candidates who reside outside of Ontario. Specifically, we are seeking candidates who reside in British Columbia, the Atlantic provinces and Northern territories. We are actively seeking representation from Métis and Inuit communities. We welcome and encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds and those who are and/or have been historically underrepresented in the sector, including individuals who speak and write French, are under the age of 35, candidates with lived experience as black and/or racialized people, members of the LGBTQ2S+ community, and folks with disabilities. 

Governing Circle Members are asked to:

  • Take part in an orientation and engage in ongoing board education opportunities
  • Participate in 6-8 virtual meetings and an annual in-person retreat 
  • Join and contribute to at least one Circle committee
  • Contribute their skills and expertise to advancing our strategic direction
  • Involve themselves as ambassadors for the organization
  • Overall time commitment is between 8 – 12 hours per quarter

Deadline to submit an expression of interest to join the Governing Circle is:
1:00pm PDT | 4:00pm EDT Sunday, March 30 2025

Submissions of interest will be reviewed by a committee of the Governing Circle. Candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted by April 10 to confirm an interview time during the week of April 13.  A recommended slate of candidates will be brought forward to the whole board for consideration on May 3 2025.

All interested parties will be notified no later than May 6 2025. 

Governing Circle Info Session | Meet N’ Greet

We will host a brief and informal Meet N’ Greet (optional) on Monday, March 24 at 9:30am PDT | 12:30pm EDT where interested people can learn more about the Governing Circle experience from past and present directors. Participants will also have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the organization. You’ll hear about why this work matters to us and where we imagine The Circle growing towards. 

Participation is optional.​

Thank you to everyone who shares this call and to those who express their interest! We will acknowledge all applications and be in touch for more conversation with potential candidates and make final decisions no later than May 6 2025.

​Any questions can be directed to the Governing Circle’s Co-chair via and cc’d to