How We Work

Centring our work towards ethical stewardship through Indigenous wisdom.

We work alongside our members to transform the philanthropic sector to redistribute wealth, activate wisdom and strengthen organizational infrastructure for the purpose of Indigenous peoples, organizations, communities and nations.

We activate our human, social and financial capital through an offering of presence, participation, hosting and wisdom creation.

We believe that abundant investments in our work and that of our members with a focus on People, Place, Practice, Policy and Protocol are necessary levers to create lasting change. This work happens best on a foundation of shared power and relationships of deep reciprocity.

We strive to be in alignment with the principles of Abundance, Reciprocity, Accountability and Curiosity and use them to guide our decision making and movement toward a shared future.

These principles are naturally aligned with our seasonal pathway approach to governance and operations where we steward our work, relationships and accountabilities based on the spirit of each season – Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. We embody the wisdom of a seasonal approach because it enables wellbeing, spaciousness and an orientation toward learning. It allows us to aspire toward a shared leadership atmosphere for our board, staff, partners and members.

We believe that a diverse living system creates a more realistic, responsive and likely pathway for lasting transformation so we have been actively testing an organizational and governance approach to management, implementation and design for the Circle on Philanthropy.


The Circle’s work is in alignment with the four seasons, Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall.


Planting seeds and tending relationships for the year ahead.

Image of Spring


Visiting with members, celebration, ceremonial with a land based focus.

Image of Summer


Making the learning visible through collective harvest using our Framework for Fall.

Image of Fall


Internally focused, readying the organization for labour and sustenance through administrative and technical preparation.

Image of Winter