Dena Klashinsky

Dena Klashinsky is of Mamalilikulla, Musqueam, and settler ancestry. She is the proud mother of a daughter whose curiosity, wisdom and light spark joy every day. Dena is happiest in ceremony in the gukwdzi (bighouse), exploring a quiet coastline or trail, adventuring with her kid, and enjoying family gatherings.

Dena has worked with Indigenous organizations and First Nations as a community developer, manager, senior leader and board member for more than 30 years. As part of The Circle’s collaborative leadership team, she is excited to uphold Indigenous wisdom and Indigenous-led policy and practices.

Winter is a time for reflection and restoration. We care for our spirits through ceremony and celebrations which affirm kinship ties and collective responsibilities. We turn inward with deep intention and prepare for the year ahead. As Winter Steward, Dena is committed to supporting the work of The Circle through values-based governance and strong infrastructure that fosters good relations and well-integrated operations. This ensures that we have the capacity to enable purposeful action, innovation and transformation.

Spirit of the Season: WINTER