Valine Brown

K’aayhlt’aa Haanas Valine Brown is a purpose-filled organizer, communications professional, and devoted Haida citizen belonging to the K’aawas eagle clan. Her work is rooted in her homelands, and Valine’s academic and advocacy efforts have centred Indigenous title, rights, and responsibilities. She believes in the power of people and connection to place and is fiercely committed to building community resilience amid this time of climate emergency.

In her role as Manager of Member Engagement + Accountability, Valine uplifts Indigenous members exercising authority and well-being in their territories and communities. From a matriarchal nation, Valine feels privileged to work alongside a team of Indigenous and racialized women and accomplices transforming the philanthropic landscape in service to Indigenous peoples, organizations, communities and nations. Valine finds purpose in upholding accountability, abundance, and wealth redistribution among The Circle’s membership audiences and broader community. She takes pride in being a small part of long overdue change and seeing meaningful actions that move us all towards liberation that centres Indigenous sovereignty.

Spirit of the Season: SUMMER
Parental Sabbatical | Return 2025