Brielle Beaudin-Reimer

Brielle Beaudin-Reimer is a citizen of the Métis Nation, a member of the Manitoba Métis Community, a Board Member for the Bell Tower Community Café and member of the Indigenous-led Committee for the Red River Regional Seed Library. “Through local and traditional food-related research, advocacy, and development of evidence-based policy and programs,” says Brielle, “I hope to advance sustainable development in Canada and advocate for the participation of the Métis Nation and Indigenous peoples in this important field.” After volunteering abroad in a rural community in South Africa, Brielle realized that local knowledge was key to sustainable development. Her focus in development shifted to taking a more local approach, one within her own community, the greater Métis Nation and with other Indigenous Nations in Canada. Brielle went on to complete a Masters in Indigenous Governance at the University of Winnipeg, conducting community-based research that focused on promoting Métis food sovereignty by privileging Métis traditional food systems and Métis harvesters’ food-related knowledge and perspectives in Manitoba.