The Declaration

A commitment by Canada’s philanthropic community to engage in and demonstrate leadership on reconciliation.

Coinciding with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) holding its closing events in Ottawa, a group of Canada’s philanthropic organizations (The Circle on Philanthropy, Community Foundations of Canada, Philanthropic Foundations Canada, The Counselling Foundation of Canada) have prepared The Philanthropic Community’s Declaration of Action (The Declaration) committing to ensuring that positive action on reconciliation will continue. The Declaration is a call to action inviting others to join in moving forward in an atmosphere of understanding, dignity and respect towards the shared goal of reconciliation.

The Circle was selected to be the home of The Declaration and use it as a tool to invite settler philanthropy to Learn & Remember, Understand & Acknowledge, Participate & Act to better supportIndigenous-led organizations, movements and communities.

The Declaration is meant to be signed by philanthropic organizations who wish to make a commitment to using their philanthropic resources in service to Reconciliation. Ideally, the highest level of decision making authority for your organization should be the signatory to the Declaration.